' ASPEN Script
' Export Transformer Data1.BAS
REM Begin Dialog Dialog_1 49,60,260,123, "ASPEN Update Line Impedance"
REM OptionGroup .GROUP_1
REM OptionButton 81,17,28,8, "TLC"
REM OptionButton 125,17,28,8, "TCIM"
REM OptionGroup .GROUP_2
REM OptionButton 135,54,28,8, "69 kV"
REM OptionButton 135,70,36,8, "138 kV"
REM Text 10,16,60,8,"New Line Data:"
REM Text 58,49,23,8,"Rate A:"
REM Text 58,63,23,8,"Rate B:"
REM Text 58,78,23,8,"Rate C:"
REM Text 10,49,42,8,"MVA Rating"
REM TextBox 10,29,242,12,.EditBox_data
REM OKButton 57,99,48,12
REM CancelButton 138,99,48,12
REM TextBox 89,47,34,11,.RateA
REM TextBox 89,61,34,11,.RateB
REM TextBox 89,76,34,11,.RateC
REM End Dialog
Sub main()
'Dim dlg As Dialog_1
Dim Rating(4) As Double
Dim Amp(4) As Double
vnDate$ = Date()
'dlg.GROUP_1 = 0
'dlg.EditBox_data = ""
'If 0 = Dialog(dlg) Then Exit Sub
'newData$ = dlg.EditBox_data
'EditBox_1 = "U:\Programming\VB\CableZ VB Program\ExportTransformer.txt"
EditBox_1 = "ExportTransformer.txt"
Open EditBox_1 For Output As #1
' ===================== New Line Data From TLC (Follow the Example Format)==============================================
'TLC = 1
' newData$ = "Text80: 13.323 Text84: 0.01517 Text85: 0.05427 Text81: 0.01406 Text82: 0.04887 Text83: 0.13841 Text103: 0.00934"
'newData$ = "Text80: 6.0210 Text84: 0.0720 Text85: 0.0995 Text81: 0.0016 Text82: 0.1083 Text83: 0.3113 Text103: 0.0008"
' ===================== End of Data Entry ================================================
'-------- End of New Data Update------------
'If GetData( HND_SYS, SY_dBaseMVA, BaseMVA ) = 0 Then BaseMVA = 100
' Figure out kV base from picked object
If 0 <> GetEquipment( TC_PICKED, PickedHnd ) Then
' Probe to see what's being picked
Select Case EquipmentType( PickedHnd )
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dTap1, T_kV1# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dTap2, T_kV2# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dTap3, T_kV3# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dRps, T_Rps# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dXps, T_Xps# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dRpt, T_Rpt# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dXpt, T_Xpt# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dRst, T_Rst#) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dXst, T_Xst# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dR0ps, T_R0ps# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dX0ps, T_X0ps#) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dR0pt, T_R0pt# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dX0pt, T_X0pt# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dR0st, T_R0st# ) Then GoTo HasError
If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, X3_dX0st, T_X0st# ) Then GoTo HasError
'If 0 = GetData( nBusHnd1,BUS_sName,nBus1$) Then GoTo HasError
'If 0 = GetData( nBusHnd2,BUS_sName,nBus2$) Then GoTo HasError
'If 0 = GetData( PickedHnd, LN_vdRating, Rating) Then GoTo HasError
'aLine1$ = "'"& GetObjMemo (PickedHnd)&"' /"
'Equipment$= "Line impedance: "
Case Else
Print "Please select a transformer"
exit Sub
End Select
End If
'-------- Start of New Rating Update--------
'BaseZ = BaseKV * BaseKV / BaseMVA
'dX = dX * BaseZ
'dX0 = dX0 * BaseZ
'dR = dR * BaseZ
'dR0 = dR0* BaseZ
'aLine$ = Equipment$ & "Z1=" & Str(dR) & " +j " & Str(dX) & " Z0= " & Str(dR0) & " +j " & Str(dX0)
Print #1, Format(T_kV1,"###0.0") & "/" & Format(T_kV2,"###0.0")& "/" & Format(T_kV3,"###0.0") & " kV transformer"
Print #1, "Positive Sequence on a 100 MVA Base "
Print #1, "Zps= (" & Format(T_Rps,"###0.00000") & " +j " & Format(T_Xps,"###0.00000")& _
"), Zpt=(" & Format(T_Rpt,"###0.00000") & " +j " & Format(T_Xpt,"###0.00000")& _
"), Zst=(" & Format(T_Rst,"###0.00000") & " +j " & Format(T_Xst,"###0.00000")& ")"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "Zero Sequence on a 100 MVA Base"
Print #1, "Zps= (" & Format(T_R0ps,"###0.00000") & " +j " & Format(T_X0ps,"###0.00000")& _
"), Zpt=(" & Format(T_R0pt,"###0.00000") & " +j " & Format(T_X0pt,"###0.00000")& _
"), Zst=(" & Format(T_R0st,"###0.00000") & " +j " & Format(T_X0st,"###0.00000")& ")"
Print "Data Exported under U:\Programming\VB\CableZ VB Program\ExportTransformer.txt!"
Exit Sub
' Error handling
Print "Error: ", ErrorString( )
End Sub ' End of Sub Main()