Generated fast and easy any wallet with cryptofuzz
Install with pip
windows :
Use Cryptofuzz
first header section import `cryptofuzz` for any class , like : Convertor, Generator, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, Ton, Dogecoin, Litecoin , Bitcoin Gold , zcash , dash and ...
here use `Convertor`& `Generator`
According to your needs, you can enter a suitable class in your project, where I am currently using Convertor and Generator, two classes that you will work with a lot.
In the following, you will see how you can perform operations related to your project with the shortest amount possible, in this case, we always try to keep the efficiency high and always increase the simplicity of use, which so far compared to other different packages. You can see this difference in the use of cryptoFuzz package
How to Generated Compress & decompress Bitcoin Wallet Address From Private Key (HEX)
1BTKWxwjKMZAkN1D9qTvgD5EaaAPPzmWU7 15qZ25GqjMChfivLkSm74gEUaN39GMtcgy 8e1b2fb38ad7f19ddd93193636cecd60977c6db48326206272caefb82343b23a
How to Converted Private Key (hex) To WIF (Wallet Import Format)
How To Converted Private Key (hex) To Mnemonic
How To Converted Private Key (hex) To XPRV (Root Private Key)
Convert Private Key (hex) to XPUB (Root Public Key)
Convert Private Key (Hex) To Decimal Number
How To Convert Mnemonic To Compressed and UnCompressed Bitcoin Wallet
Cryptofuzz - Wallet:
After entering the wallet class, you can use hundreds of functions related to this class, which I will introduce you to some examples of functions of this class. (This class is more readable than the Convertor() class)