Welcome to Deepnoted
In this quick example, we will walk you through the basic steps of data exploration in a notebook.
Start with a query
To get you started, we prepared a sample dataset in a demo Snowflake integration. It contains country data for life expectancy, population and GDP per capita over the years.
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Based on free material from gapminder.org, CC-BY license.
Seamlessly switch to Python
The results of your queries are stored as pandas DataFrames, which makes it easy to work with them in Python. For example, you can explore how life expectancy correlates with economic wealth.
Run to view results
Finish with beautiful charts
Charts that push your presentation to the next level are easy to make in Deepnote. Here's a deeper look into the relationship between life expectancy and economic wealth, with additional indicators for continents and population size.
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Next steps
Learn more about how to use Deepnote in our documentation.
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