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A/B testing

By Filip Žitný

Updated on August 14, 2024

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A/B testing is a fundamental method for evaluating the effectiveness of two or more variations of a product, usually in the context of web pages, apps, or marketing strategies. By presenting different versions (variants) to different user groups, A/B testing helps to determine which version performs better in terms of predefined metrics, such as conversion rate or user retention. A/B testing involves dividing a user base into two or more groups and presenting each group with a different variant of a product or webpage. The performance of each variant is then measured against key metrics like conversion rates (the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, such as signing up) and retention rates (the likelihood of users returning after their first interaction). The goal is to determine which variant produces better results.

Example insights from an A/B test

In a hypothetical test using Deepnote's A/B Testing template, it was found that "Variant B" of a webpage had a higher conversion rate than "Variant A." The p-value associated with this difference was extremely low (4.54e-12), indicating a statistically significant result. Similarly, when comparing retention rates, "Variant B" also outperformed "Variant A" with another statistically significant p-value (2.54e-12).

Deepnote’s A/B Testing template provides a powerful yet accessible tool for running and analyzing A/B tests. By enabling easy visualization of key metrics and integrating significance testing, it helps teams make data-driven decisions about product variations. Whether you're testing new features, designs, or marketing messages, this tool can streamline the process and ensure that your decisions are backed by solid data.

This brief overview highlights how Deepnote's tools can be leveraged to perform effective A/B testing, driving better business outcomes through informed decision-making.

Filip Žitný

Data Scientist

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