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Exploratory data visualization with chart blocks

By Filip Žitný

Updated on August 14, 2024

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Exploratory data visualization is a crucial step in the data analysis process. It allows data scientists and analysts to uncover hidden patterns, trends, and insights within their datasets. Deepnote’s new chart blocks feature takes this a step further by enabling users to create powerful visualizations without writing a single line of code. In this article, we’ll explore how to leverage these chart blocks to analyze two datasets, demonstrating how intuitive and effective this tool can be.

In our first analysis, we examine a telecommunications dataset to understand which customers are most likely to churn. The dataset includes variables such as churn status, tenure, contract type, and whether the customer has dependents or a partner. Whether you are analyzing customer behavior or global economic trends, chart blocks make the process seamless and intuitive.

Filip Žitný

Data Scientist

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