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What is exploratory data analysis (EDA)?

By Nick Barth

Updated on March 6, 2024

Data is the lifeblood of contemporary business and science. It powers critical decisions from revenue forecasts to vaccine development. Yet, raw data is often complex, unwieldy, and sometimes downright chaotic. The art of transforming raw data into actionable insights is where exploratory data analysis (EDA) shines.

EDA is formally defined as a process applied to datasets to summarize their main characteristics, often using statistical graphics and other data visualization methods. It is a critical step in the data analysis process that allows analysts to uncover patterns, spot anomalies, identify important variables, and test underlying assumptions. Through EDA, data scientists gain a deeper understanding of the data's essence, which guides more complex analyses and leads to more informed decision-making.

As a data analyst or scientist, mastering EDA is akin to wielding a magic wand; it allows you to conjure clarity from the data fog, sketch trajectories from seemingly random dots, and uncover hidden stories that can shape the world. Let’s explore how EDA can revamp your approach to data analysis while providing value and driving traffic to your endeavors.

Understanding the basics of EDA

At its core, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a fundamental step in data analysis that involves thoroughly understanding the data at hand. It includes examining its characteristics, identifying trends, and exploring potential relationships before constructing any formal models or hypotheses. EDA serves as the crucial 'getting to know you' phase, providing a solid foundation for deeper dives and more focused inquiries into the data. By delving into the intricate details and nuances, analysts gain valuable insights that can lead to meaningful conclusions and informed decision-making.

Data cleaning and preprocessing

EDA begins with data cleaning, a process that addresses missing, duplicate, or incorrect data points. Preprocessing follows, where you may normalize, scale, or transform data to facilitate analysis. Without these steps, any resulting analysis is likely skewed and unreliable.

Descriptive Statistics

DescDescriptive statistics provide a comprehensive snapshot of the data distribution, allowing you to grasp the overall characteristics of your dataset. Measures such as the mean, median, mode, and various measures of dispersion like standard deviation help paint an initial picture of the data. By analyzing these summary statistics, you gain a deeper understanding of the central tendencies and variability within your dataset, enabling you to make more informed decisions and draw meaningful insights.

Data Visualization

The human brain, with its innate ability to spot patterns visually, is naturally inclined towards data visualization. This is precisely why effective exploratory data analysis (EDA) incorporates various techniques like histograms, scatter plots, and box plots. By leveraging these methods, we can unlock deeper insights into the data, revealing distributions, outliers, and intricate relationships that might go unnoticed when examining numbers alone. This integration of visual representations enhances our understanding and facilitates data-driven decision-making processes.

Exploring Data Relationships

Once you’ve tidied your dataset, it’s time to start examining relationships between your variables. You can do that through one of the following methods:

Correlation analysis

Correlation measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. A correlation close to 1 or -1 implies a strong relationship, while values near 0 suggest the variables are not necessarily related.

Hypothesis testing

Hypothesis testing allows you to formally assess the probability of an observed relationship in the data occurring by chance. By setting up hypotheses and performing t-tests or ANOVAs, you can determine the significance of your findings.

Feature selection

Feature selection is crucial in model building. EDA can help you identify which features, or variables, are most relevant and have the most predictive power. This reduces the complexity of your models and can improve their performance.

Identifying patterns and outliers

Patterns often hide in plain sight, waiting to be discovered. Uncover patterns in your data through in one of the following ways:

Clustering analysis

Clustering is a powerful technique that groups data points together based on their similarities. By utilizing unsupervised learning techniques such as k-means clustering or hierarchical clustering, you can effectively identify meaningful groups within your data. These groups can provide valuable insights and patterns that may not be immediately apparent, allowing for a deeper understanding of your data and facilitating decision-making processes. So, consider incorporating clustering into your data analysis pipeline to unlock hidden knowledge and enhance the effectiveness of your data-driven strategies.

Outlier detection

Outliers, those data points significantly different from the majority, can have a substantial impact on the accuracy of your analyses if not properly addressed. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) serves as the first line of defense in detecting and handling outliers. Utilizing techniques such as box plots and z-scores, analysts can effectively identify and understand these anomalies, enabling them to make more informed decisions based on comprehensive data exploration and interpretation.

Uncovering insights and trends

The heart of EDA is about uncovering the story within your data. It’s about identifying historical trends and predicting what comes next.

Time series analysis

For sequential data collected over time, time series analysis plays a crucial role in identifying temporal trends and seasonal patterns. By utilizing techniques like decomposition, analysts can effectively tease out and discern underlying patterns amidst the noise of daily fluctuations. This sophisticated approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the data, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Association rule mining

Commonly used in market basket analysis, association rule mining is a powerful technique that uncovers interesting relationships between items in a transaction. By examining rules like 'if A then B,' you can gain valuable insights into which products are frequently bought together, enabling businesses to optimize their strategies and make informed decisions. This data-driven approach provides a deeper understanding of customer behavior and helps identify cross-selling opportunities, leading to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

Case studies

To make the value of EDA concrete, let's explore real-world examples.

Marketing data

Marketers often use EDA to understand customer behavior from website analytics to purchase histories. EDA can highlight which channels are driving traffic, what product combinations are most popular, and when customers are most likely to convert.


In healthcare, EDA is used to find correlations between patient characteristics and outcomes. By studying large datasets, analysts can identify risk factors for diseases or uncover the efficacy of treatments.


For financial purposes, EDA is crucial in asset performance analysis, risk management, and fraud detection. It can reveal trends in markets, correlations between assets, and anomalies in transaction data that may point to fraud.


EDA is not just an early phase of data analysis; it's a philosophy that emphasizes understanding and context. By harnessing the power of EDA, you can elevate your insights, validate assumptions, and create a stronger foundation for decision-making. In the fast-paced world of data-driven innovation, taking the time to explore your data can be the difference between merely teasing the insights and truly unleashing their power.

Nick Barth

Product Engineer

Nick has been interested in data science ever since he recorded all his poops in spreadsheet, and found that on average, he pooped 1.41 times per day. When he isn't coding, or writing content, he spends his time enjoying various pursuits leisure.

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