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Transportation analytics in Python

By Filip Žitný

Updated on March 6, 2024

Transportation, logistics, and supply chain management are crucial components of modern businesses, especially in a globalized economy. Efficient transportation systems help minimize costs, improve delivery times, and enhance customer satisfaction. To achieve these goals, organizations increasingly rely on data-driven insights. This guide explores how data scientists, data engineers, and data analysts can use Python within Deepnote to perform transportation analytics, providing actionable insights for optimizing transportation networks, reducing costs, and improving service quality.

What is Deepnote?

Deepnote is a collaborative data science notebook environment built for teams. It supports real-time collaboration, integrates with various data sources, and provides a robust environment for running complex Python code. It's particularly suited for transportation analytics because of its ability to handle large datasets, integrate with multiple data sources, and facilitate teamwork between data scientists, data engineers, and data analysts.

Key concepts in transportation analytics

Transportation networks: a transportation network consists of interconnected routes and nodes (e.g., roads, railways, airports) that facilitate the movement of goods and passengers.Travel time, distance, congestion levels, and cost.

Route optimization: finding the most efficient path from origin to destination to minimize time, cost, or fuel consumption. Dijkstra’s algorithm, A* algorithm, and Genetic algorithms.

Supply chain management: the management of the flow of goods and services from raw materials to final products. Inventory levels, lead time, service level, and transportation cost.

Logistics analytics: the application of analytics to optimize logistics operations, including warehousing, transportation, and distribution. Order accuracy, delivery time, transportation cost, and warehouse efficiency.

Getting started with transportation analytics in Python

Set up your Deepnote environment

Create a new project: Start by creating a new project in Deepnote.

Install necessary libraries: Install the required Python libraries using the !pip install command. Commonly used libraries include:

!pip install pandas numpy matplotlib seaborn scikit-learn networkx geopy

Connect data sources: Deepnote allows you to connect to various data sources such as databases, cloud storage, or APIs. You can use the built-in connectors or Python libraries like pandas, SQLAlchemy, or boto3.

Data collection and preprocessing

Data sources: Transportation analytics often involve data from multiple sources:

  • GPS data: For tracking vehicle locations and movements.
  • Traffic data: Real-time and historical data on road conditions, traffic density, etc.
  • Logistics data: Shipment details, delivery times, route plans, etc.

Data cleaning: Clean the data by handling missing values, correcting inconsistencies, and filtering out irrelevant information.

import pandas as pd

# Load data
data = pd.read_csv('transportation_data.csv')

# Handle missing values
data.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)

# Remove duplicates

Feature engineering: Create new features to improve model performance. For instance, you can calculate travel time from GPS data or derive congestion levels from traffic data.

data['travel_time'] = data['end_time'] - data['start_time']
data['congestion_level'] = data['traffic_density'] / data['road_capacity']

Exploratory data analysis (EDA)

Visualize data distributions with Matplotlib or use the build-in BI tools:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sns.histplot(data['travel_time'], kde=True)
plt.title('Distribution of Travel Time')

Analyze relationships:

sns.scatterplot(x='distance', y='travel_time', data=data)
plt.title('Distance vs. Travel Time')

Network analysis:
Use networkx to analyze transportation networks. For example, you can visualize the network and calculate the shortest paths.

import networkx as nx

G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(data, 'start_point', 'end_point', ['travel_time'])
nx.draw(G, with_labels=True)

Model building and optimization

Predictive modeling:
Use machine learning models to predict outcomes like travel time, delivery delays, or fuel consumption.

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

X = data[['distance', 'congestion_level']]
y = data['travel_time']

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

model = RandomForestRegressor(), y_train)

predictions = model.predict(X_test)

Route optimization:
Implement algorithms to find the most efficient routes.

# Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest path
shortest_path = nx.dijkstra_path(G, source='A', target='B', weight='travel_time')
print("Shortest path:", shortest_path)

Optimization techniques
Use optimization techniques like Linear Programming (LP) to minimize costs or maximize efficiency.

from scipy.optimize import linprog

# Example: Minimizing transportation costs
c = [20, 30, 40]  # Cost coefficients
A = [[1, 2, 1], [3, 1, 2]]  # Inequality constraint coefficients
b = [30, 40]  # Inequality constraint bounds

res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b)
print("Optimal solution:", res.x)

Collaboration and reporting

Collaborate in real-time:
Deepnote allows multiple users to work on the same notebook simultaneously, making it easier for data scientists, data engineers, and data analysts to collaborate.

Reporting: use markdown cells in Deepnote to document your findings and share insights with stakeholders.

### Summary of Findings
- The average travel time is influenced significantly by congestion levels.
- The optimal route between points A and B reduces travel time by 15%.

Deployment and monitoring

Deepnote apps: Deepnote apps are amazing ways how deploy and distribute your analysis, dashboards, or anything else to different types of users just by one click you can make it happen

Automated reports: schedule your Deepnote notebooks to run at specific intervals and generate automated reports or updates.

Monitor performance: set up monitoring to track the performance of your models and logistics operations over time, using tools like Grafana or Prometheus.

# Example of logging model performance
with open('model_performance.log', 'a') as log_file:
    log_file.write(f'Accuracy: {accuracy}, Date: {}\\\\n')


Transportation analytics in Python using Deepnote offers powerful tools for optimizing transportation and logistics operations. By leveraging data science, machine learning, and network analysis, professionals in transportation can gain valuable insights, enhance decision-making, and drive operational efficiencies. Whether you're optimizing routes, predicting delays, or analyzing network performance, this guide provides a comprehensive framework to get you started in the collaborative environment of Deepnote.

Deepnote’s capabilities make it an ideal platform for cross-functional teams to work together, from data collection to model deployment, ensuring that transportation systems run smoothly and efficiently.

Filip Žitný

Data Scientist

Follow Filip on Twitter, LinkedIn and GitHub

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