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February 8, 2024

Faster apps and new AI UI


Lightning-fast apps

We’ve added some more improvements to the app experience that you won’t want to miss. Apps now stay active for longer, meaning you can step away, do your thing and pick back up where you left off without the executor shutting off the app. Now, the app executor keeps running until the user closes the app's browser window, or if the app has been idle for more than 10 minutes.

You’ll also start to notice Deepnote apps now load significantly faster when you turn on the “Allow reactivity” toggle in your app settings. With this new setting, your app will no longer execute all the contents from top to bottom with every input adjustment like it used to. Instead, only the contents that depend on your changed inputs will be recalculated, making for lightning-fast app interactions. Watch it in action in this video.

We’re launching this same reactivity in notebooks soon, so send us a note if you want to be part of the private beta!

AI front and center

Collaborating with Deepnote AI on your analyses is now a seamless experience thanks to a host of UI updates and new powerful interactions.

Convenient new shortcuts make accessing the new UI a breeze. Use cmd + shift + i to ask the AI for an explanation of any block of code, and cmd + shift + e to edit the code.


Intuitive prompting means your AI collaborator can guess your next move. The UI defaults to edit mode when you’re accessing it in a block with existing code, but generate mode in an empty block.

More space for your AI prompts. The new UI is now front and center so you can start writing your prompt right away, but you can still easily see your notebook contents behind the prompt window with the new Peek Behind UI toggle.


New powerful Auto AI interactions. When leveraging Auto AI to generate and run multiple blocks in your notebook, you now have new commands that enable you to iteratively fine-tune the AI’s output with just a push of a button:

  • Run code allows you to check the results of the AI’s suggestions before you accept or reject them
  • Regenerate gives you the power to restart AI generation with the same prompt if you aren’t happy with the AI’s first suggestion
  • Delete allows you to reject the AI’s results and edit your prompt until the code is generated to your liking.

We hope you enjoy your faster apps and the enhanced AI experience, and stay tuned for more exciting updates to come!

New app building experience and Slack integration


Streamlined in-notebook app building

Calling all app builders: we have an update that will turbocharge the app creation process from within notebooks.

You can now control the visibility of blocks in your app directly from the notebook interface.

Hide/show in app: Clicking the disappearing computer icon will hide or show a block or its contents in your app, but will still be visible in your notebook. Blocks that are currently hidden in your app will appear as faded out in the notebook.

Select multiple blocks: Efficiently manage the visibility of multiple app blocks at the same time by using the multi-select feature available in notebooks. Simply hold SHIFT and click on neighboring blocks to hide multiple blocks’ output and/or code from your app.

Dynamic apps: Once you’ve configured your app exactly to your liking, the visibility settings you’ve set in your notebook will automatically come to life in the app view. Gone are the days of constant back-and-forth between notebook and app interfaces to share your data insights!


Slack integration

Conveniently view the status of your scheduled notebook runs from the comfort of your Slack workspaces with our new Slack integration.

This integration allows you to deliver notifications about your Deepnote analyses at desired checkpoints within your data workflows.


To get started with sending your scheduled notebook runs to Slack, check out the step-by-step instructions in our docs or try it out for yourself by duplicating this example notebook.

BigQuery schema browser improvements & more flexible AI copilot

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Multi-project schema explorer for BigQuery

If you’re a power user of our BigQuery integration, you’ve probably taken advantage of the schema explorer to query data from multiple projects in your warehouse using Deepnote.

That process just became even easier with our new multi-project schema explorer for BigQuery, which gives you a high-level exploration of multiple projects at a time and the columns within them, all from one convenient side panel view within your notebook.

With a more unified view of all your BigQuery data, you’re now ready to tackle multiple projects with less set up time and context switching.


AI Copilot toggle

Maintain total control over the working environment within your notebook with the new AI Copilot toggle. If you’d prefer to kick off your code and queries without any AI assistance, easily disable Copilot with a flip of a switch.

This new feature is a persistent user setting, meaning once you turn it off, you disable it for yourself for all projects. Need to turn Copilot back on later on? Simply toggle it back on and it stays on for you.


Faster HTML cell outputs

Spend less time waiting for your charts to spin up and more time on the parts of your workflow that actually matter.

It’s no secret Deepnote supports your exploratory programming needs with the power of interactive visualizations, whether that’s through code or no-code chart blocks. If you prefer using code to build your visualizations through HTML-based libraries like Plotly, your plots will now load with lightning speeds.

We hope these updates bring you faster data exploration and workflows more tailored to your data needs in the new year. Rest assured, we have plenty more updates in store for you in 2024, so stay tuned!

Reduced machine prices & faster notebooks


Reduced machine prices

We’re giving the gift of a faster, cheaper Deepnote for the holidays.

As you may have already heard, starting December 1, we're slashing the pay-as-you-go rates across all our machines – making them more budget-friendly without any hidden terms. These new rates will be applied to all current and new paying workspaces going forward.

This means you can effortlessly upgrade to more powerful machines for all your data projects without dipping into your holiday gift budget!


Supercharged notebook loading

You may have already noticed your projects are loading way faster than before. This is no mistake—we’ve decreased the time from opening your Deepnote project to seeing the notebook contents by up to 10x, thanks to our new backend data loading system.

This will enable you to quickly dive into multiple projects across your workspace and seamlessly switch between them to ultimately be able to leverage Deepnote as a knowledge base.

Together, these new additions mean less loading time and more time for what’s important—your data work.

We hope you enjoy your faster notebooks on more powerful machines soon, and stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Improved AI code editing & fixing

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Diff viewing for AI editing and fixing

We’re shaking things up with Deepnote’s AI code editing and error fixing workflow.

Auto AI is not just for generating code, but also for editing and fixing that generated code. Now with AI 2.0, changes made by the autonomous agent will be displayed in a diff viewer so that you can see what was added, deleted and updated, side-by-side with the original code.

The AI-generated content in the “new” side of the diff viewer is automatically written into your code block so that you can immediately see the impact of the AI’s change on your analysis. Change your mind? Just undo it with a click of a button using the new Done/Undo button.


Notebook variables as AI context

Auto AI has always had a deep understanding of your project context, including your content in your blocks, outputs and filenames. But now we’ve extended its awareness to also cover all the variables in your notebook. This will provide even more accurate suggestions, particularly in cases when the given variable has not already appeared in outputs. What does this mean for improvements to your coding workflows? No more “name ‘variable’ is not defined” errors.

With the AI’s new awareness of available DataFrame variables, Auto AI is now equipped with the metadata it needs to work with you in lockstep as a true collaborator.

Visual updates coming soon to a screen near you

You’ll be noticing some changes in Deepnote’s UI soon. We’ve been working meticulously to create consistent, beautiful UI throughout Deepnote to add a more polished and sleek feel to your experience. The most highly requested update? Dark mode. Stay tuned for a more official announcement soon!

Introducing: Fully autonomous AI


The ultimate AI-powered notebook has arrived.

We’ve been keeping this one under wraps for several months now, but we’re excited it’s finally here: a completely autonomous, self-sufficient virtual collaborator. How powerful is it?

Give your AI teammate a task and it will continue working until it completes it. It generates text and Python blocks, adapts to prior outputs, and fixes its own errors all in the same run. After the code is generated, it automatically executes the code for you, even while you’re working in other notebooks.

It's aware of your context from other blocks and variables in your notebook and files.

While it can operate completely independently, you still maintain control. Switch it off using the Auto AI toggle, or even stop it mid-run if you’d like. Of course, it’s built with collaboration in mind. Any other collaborators working in your notebook can see its progress the same way you can.

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Read more in docs →

Enhanced apps: Comments and multi-select inputs

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Comments in apps

App users now have the ability to add comments directly in the app interface.

Comments added to your apps will be reflected in your notebook and vice versa, giving you the power to seamlessly and collaboratively share your thoughts from beginning to end of your analysis.

This highly requested feature brings the collaborative capabilities that that you know and love from Deepnote notebooks now to the app level too. This means no more screenshots of apps that often lack context and are not very interactive.


Select multiple options for your input blocks

We’ve added a small but mighty addition to input blocks used in both notebooks and published apps.

You can now select multiple options in input blocks, which will make your stunning apps and polished dashboards even more interactive from the ability to filter app outputs to reflect your input selections.

Multiple-option selection joins the four other types of inputs that are available: text, select, slider and date input. All five of these input types allow you to use your inputs as variables in your code or SQL blocks, thus further empowering your colleagues and stakeholders to be able to interact with and understand insights from your notebooks and apps, regardless of their coding abilities.


Read more in docs →

Create full notebooks with AI & GPT-4 support

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Generate multiple blocks with AI

We’ve taken AI code generation in Deepnote to a whole new level with multi-block generation, which will give you the ability to generate entire notebooks with just one prompt and a click of a button.

Whether you’re tackling routine data tasks or more complex projects, this feature automatically generates multiple blocks of code that build on each other, while still allowing users to make iterative edits and maintain control over the flow of your notebook.

With this multi-block generation capability, simply provide your prompts, questions, or instructions, and watch as an entire data notebook—including code, text and plots—materializes before your eyes.


Check out our quick demo of Deepnote AI's multi-block generation feature.

GPT-4 to power AI code suggestions

Deepnote AI just got radically smarter with GPT-4.

The power of GPT-4 is now fully embedded into the entire process of creating a notebook from end-to-end, including the code generation, editing, explaining and fixing steps, as well as the ability to learn from the cumulative context of the contents within the project you are building together with your trusty AI sidekick.

With this enhancement to our growing suite of AI tools, you can now expect more accurate and succinct recommendations that are sure to make Deepnote AI an indispensable part of all your data projects.

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Bulk actions & Deepnote AI improvements


Multi-select block actions

Bulk actions have arrived in your notebook! Effortlessly select multiple blocks and perform a variety of tasks with them at once.

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When you’re in a block, simply hold SHIFT and click on neighbouring blocks to include them in your selection. Alternatively, tap Esc within a block, followed by SHIFT+↓/↑ to expand your selection range.

Once the blocks are selected, you can access a range of actions in the block actions menu. You can run, duplicate, delete and move the selected blocks up/down. In addition, you can also copy-paste the selected blocks by pressing Cmd+C and Cmd+V. Say goodbye to the days of handling blocks individually and enjoy this little productivity boost!

Richer context for Deepnote AI

Deepnote AI now has a more profound understanding of the context of your project, leading to even smarter and more relevant suggestions.

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When you use Deepnote AI to generate or edit code, it now incorporates a broader view of your project. This includes the entire content of your notebook, whether it's code, SQL, or text blocks. This means Deepnote AI is fine-tuned to your project, providing you with a more customized assistance.

But that's not all! We're introducing a new option that allows you to decide if you'd like to share the outputs of block executions with Deepnote AI. By simply toggling the 'Provide access to block outputs' switch in Settings & MembersProject settings, Deepnote AI can read the outputs in your notebook. This greatly improves the relevance of its suggestions and enables a more conversational interaction. For instance, you can simply ask the AI to do the next step by referring to previous results, streamlining your workflow and sparing you from detailing every prompt.

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AI Copilot in SQL blocks

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Deepnote's AI Copilot just got a major boost! With added support for SQL and an improved understanding of your project's variables, it's ready to take on more of your coding tasks.

SQL support

AI Copilot now makes writing queries against your database or data warehouse even easier with new SQL completions. By pulling context from your notebook's content and relevant SQL blocks from across your workspace, it aligns suggestions with your SQL flavour and schema. And if you're working with DataFrame SQL blocks, it helps there too, smoothing the switch between Python and SQL. It's all about making your coding a bit more fluid across both languages.

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Runtime variables as context

We've brought variable explorer content into the context shared with the AI Copilot. Now it recognizes variable and column names, which means more accurate and relevant suggestions when you're working with existing variables. No more guessing or double-checking variable names; this change helps you work faster and with more confidence in your ongoing projects.

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Introducing Deepnote apps

Turn your notebooks into apps

Some analyses are best presented with the journey to get there, while others call for a more polished interface. You may wish to hide some code blocks so they don’t distract from the story you are trying to tell, or parametrize the notebook with a couple of inputs so your audience knows which knobs to turn. With Deepnote, you can now create stunning apps that will impress your CEO.

Published apps just got a lot more powerful

Apps now execute within your projects providing support for all environment options you are used to. You can use stronger machines for more compute or RAM, install additional packages or use custom Docker environments.

Improved layout options with columns

Arrange blocks in your notebooks into multiple columns with drag-and-drop. This allows you to create a beautiful and organized notebook layouts that will be immediately reflected in your app. You can also make the apps full-width to showcase charts on larger screens. The possibilities are endless.

Read more in docs →

Next steps

Your existing dashboards will continue to function for the next 6 months without any changes. When you open the projects, Deepnote will guide you through the transition process, typically by creating a copy of the published notebook. In some cases, automatic conversion of dashboards may be possible, but others may require your review.

Stay tuned for more improvements to apps! The next big one we are working on are comments in apps.

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