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Workspace permissions

Workspace members can have varying levels of permissions. These permissions apply to all projects within the team's workspace.

To set permissions for team members, open "Settings and Members" in the left sidebar.


Levels of access

Workspace members can be given the following levels of access:

  • Viewer:
    • Viewers can see all projects and members of a workspace.
    • They can leave comments in projects but can't make any changes.
    • They can execute all notebooks within the workspace as well as change input block values.
    • Note that Viewers can Duplicate a project to another workspace as well as request additional access from the team's owner. When duplicating a project to another workspace, custom environments and integrations are not preserved.
  • Editor: Editors can create and edit workspace projects. Members can also connect or disconnect integrations from projects but they can't edit or create them.
  • Admin: Admins have all access rights. In addition, they have permission to manage workspace members and integrations.

Additionally, users who do not have a role in the workspace, but are invited to individual projects will show up as Guests.

Domain invites

Enabling domain invites will allow every user with a matching email domain to join the workspace as a Viewer. Users will have the option to join the workspace during sign up, or later from the workspace switching menu.

Domain invites can be enabled by workspace Admins. The only permitted domain is the email domain of the Admin (Owner) – the person who created the workspace.

The option will not show up for workspaces where the domain is from a public email service (such as or, or for educational addresses.

If you need help changing the Owner's email or setting a different Owner, please reach out to support.

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How do I prevent certain members from seeing one of the workspace projects?

To share a project only with certain workspace members, change the project access from Full access to No access. This will make the project only visible to you. It will show up in your workspace as a Private project. If you would like certain workspace members to have access, you can add them as project collaborators.

Private projects still have access to the workspace resources, such as integrations and machine hours. Note that only Editors and Admins can create private projects.

How can I lock a project?

From within a project, you can set the workspace member permissions to View in "one fell swoop". Note that Admins will always be able to edit projects. If the option is set to "Full access" then all members of a workspace will follow their respective roles according to the Workspace settings.